Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Community Language Learning

Community Language Learning (CLL) is the name of a method developed by Charles Curran and his associates. Curran was a specialist in counseling and a professor of psychology at Loyola University, Chicago. His application of psychological counseling techniques to learning is known as Counseling-Learning. Community Language Learning represents the use of Counseling-Learning theory to teach languages. As the name indicates, CLL derives its primary insights and organizing rationale from Rogerian counseling. Counseling is one person giving advice, assistance and support to another person who has a problem or is in some way in need. Community Language Learning draws on the counseling metaphor to redefine the roles of the teacher as counselor and the learners as clients in the language classroom. CLL is cited as an example of a “humanistic approach”.

Theory and Technique
CLL is based on the theoretical assumption that language as social process is different from language as communication. “Communication is more than just a message being transmitted from a speaker to a listener. The speaker at the same time is both subject and object of his own message. Communication involves not just the unidirectional transfer of information to the other, but the very constitution of the speaking subject in relation to the other. Communication is an exchange which is incomplete without a feedback reaction from the destinee of the message (La Forge 1983).


1) Build relationship
2) Explain procedure
3) Set time limit
4) Language for communication
5) Human Computer
a- teacher stands behind students
b- teacher repeats , doesn’t correct
c- interaction among students
d- students feel in control /
6) Native language + translation
7) Reflect on experience , talk about
8) Teacher = counselor =>
he understands, he listens
9) Accepting , non-threatening
atmosphere, Non-defensive
learning => security, involvement,
attention, reflection, retention,
10) One task at a time
11) Cooperation , no competition
12) Language Experience Approach :
create a story after an experience ,
feelings are the main focus
13) Teacher-student centered : both
are decision-makers
14) Syllabus designed by students at
the beginning
15) Creative thinking + self-evaluation
16) Integrative Test : Paragraph writing
or oral interview


1) Tape Recording
2) Transcription
3) Reflection on Experience
4) Reflective Listening
5) Human Computer
a- teacher stands behind students
b- teacher repeats , doesn’t correct
c- interaction among students
d- students feel in control / responsible
6) Small Group Tasks

Objective (Approximately)
To be able to greet people , introduce oneself/others , ask for/give information
(The students design the syllabus in some way)

Chairs in a circle
Tape recorder

1) Teacher greets students , introduces himself
& students introduce themselves (native language)
2) Teacher explains what students will be doing :
a- conversation in French/ESL with teacher’s help (+ time limit)
b- conversation tape-recorded
c- create a transcript
d- various activities using the language on the transcript
· pronunciation (Human Computer)
· create sentences (group work)
· conjugate verbs
· reconstruct conversation
· describe a picture

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