Minggu, 04 April 2010



For those of you who want to entrepreneurship, there are a few tips so that you run a business smoothly and on target:
1. Have Dreams
Dream became a successful businessman, had a lot of money, a vacation. Imagine, where money is flowing into your account of what the business so successful. Think of it as detailed as possible. Do not be afraid to dream, because success comes from a dream.
2. Obsession and Hobbies
Try, you pioneered the business from a hobby. So it's all done with heart, would run more smoothly.
3. See Reality
Back to reality. Start with the skills you have. Suppose you're a good cook, you channel your talents to open a catering.
4. Make Plans Gradual
Make a condition of zero, and always looking forward. Do it gradually according to ability (capital, expertise).
5. Various Flats Plan
When business started to walk, make some plans to further develop your business
6. Create a Budget
Create a budget expenditure and income. Separate your daily expenses with the results of operations.

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