Rabu, 25 Mei 2011





Come on buy in your favorite minimarket and hypermarket for your sweet cat!

Sabtu, 16 April 2011


B. give at least one synonym for each italicized word. Consult dictionary or a thesaurus if you need help in finding a good word to substitute.
1. this thermometer takes exact measurements.
Exact : accurate, strict, precise
2. the company commemorates the anniversary of its founding every year.
Commemorates : celebrate, remember, honor, memorilize
3. every manager must defend his or her budget.
Defend : keep, protect, guard
4. a salesperson must always keep a positive attitude
Keep : reserve, have
5. Andrea offered a new slant on our sales problem.
Slant : solution
6. Speed is to be avoided on some jobs.
Speed : velocity
7. We must all work together to shape a new advertising campaign.
Shape : create, form
8. Ms. Yamada likes her computer assistans to test every program.
Test : assesment, examination
9. Is there really a choice?
Choice : option, option
10. The company’s decision to cut prices was brave.
Brave : audacious, bold, courageous

D. Change the following negative statements into positive statements.
1. Do not forget the sales meeting at the end of the month.
please attend the sales meeting at the end of the month
2. Don’t fail to ship this order by airfreight.
Ship this order sucesfully by airfreight
3. You forgot to provide a delivery date.
A delivery date is not provided
4. We cannot deliver your order because our plant is closed until july 15.
We are sorry, our plant is close until July 5
5. Do not lower the product’s quality
Let’s increase the product’s quality
6. Don’t anger customers by being late for an appointment.
Being on tome for an appointment would please cystomers
Late : on time
7. We cannot act on your request at this time.
We wiil act on your request soon
8. We will not forget your special request.
Your special request will be on our mind
9. We won’t know our prices until april 1.
We will wait for our prices until April 1
10. Never forget a customer’s preferences.
Customer’s preferences is our priority

A. In each of the following groups, three of the four words have similar meanings. Which word is the intruder?
1. Impartial, fervent, unbiased, objective
2. Offend, entreat, beg, implore
Offend : bersalah, menyinggung
Enteat, beg, implore : memohon
3. Blossom, bloom, forbid, flower
Blossom, bloom, flower : berkembang, kembang, mekar
4. Fabricate, fashion, shape, dodge
Fabricate, fashion, shape : membentuk, membua
Dodge : menghindari
5. Meddle, invent, interfere, tamper
Meddle, interfere, tamper : turut campur, mencampuri
Invent : menemukan, menciptakan, membuat
6. Revise, denounce, correct, remedy
Revise, correct, remedy : memperbaiki
Denounce : melaporkan, mengakhiri
7. Coarse, gross, refined, crude
Coarse, gross,crude : kasar
Fefined : halus
8. Guarded, wary, watchful, open
Guarded, wary, watchful : berhati – hati
Open : terbuka, bebas
9. Exception, principle, rule, regulation
rule, principle, regulation : kaidah, prinsip, peraturan
Exception : pengecualian, protes
10. Routine, customary, irregular, uniform
Irregular : tidak beraturan
Routine, customary, uniform : kebiasaan , beratura
11. Speculate, theorize, guess, validate
Speculate, theorize, guess : dugaan
Validate : pengesahan
12. Hide, disclose, communicate, tell
Hide : menyembunyikan
disclose, communicate, tell : menyampaikan, menceritakan
13. Knowledge, learning, fiction, information
Knowledge, learning, information : pengetahuan, informasi
Fiction : fiksi, khayalan
14. Significant, meaningful, unimportant, serious
Unimportant ; tidak penting
Significant, meaningful, serious : penting, berarti
15. Complicated, elementary, basic, pure
Complicated : susah , sulit
elementary, basic, pure : dasar, alami


B. give at least one synonym for each italicized word. Consult dictionary or a thesaurus if you need help in finding a good word to substitute.
1. this thermometer takes exact measurements.
Exact : accurate, strict, precise
2. the company commemorates the anniversary of its founding every year.
Commemorates : celebrate, remember, honor, memorilize
3. every manager must defend his or her budget.
Defend : keep, protect, guard
4. a salesperson must always keep a positive attitude
Keep : reserve, have
5. Andrea offered a new slant on our sales problem.
Slant : solution
6. Speed is to be avoided on some jobs.
Speed : velocity
7. We must all work together to shape a new advertising campaign.
Shape : create, form
8. Ms. Yamada likes her computer assistans to test every program.
Test : assesment, examination
9. Is there really a choice?
Choice : option, option
10. The company’s decision to cut prices was brave.
Brave : audacious, bold, courageous

D. Change the following negative statements into positive statements.
1. Do not forget the sales meeting at the end of the month.
please attend the sales meeting at the end of the month
2. Don’t fail to ship this order by airfreight.
Ship this order sucesfully by airfreight
3. You forgot to provide a delivery date.
A delivery date is not provided
4. We cannot deliver your order because our plant is closed until july 15.
We are sorry, our plant is close until July 5
5. Do not lower the product’s quality
Let’s increase the product’s quality
6. Don’t anger customers by being late for an appointment.
Being on tome for an appointment would please cystomers
Late : on time
7. We cannot act on your request at this time.
We wiil act on your request soon
8. We will not forget your special request.
Your special request will be on our mind
9. We won’t know our prices until april 1.
We will wait for our prices until April 1
10. Never forget a customer’s preferences.
Customer’s preferences is our priority

A. In each of the following groups, three of the four words have similar meanings. Which word is the intruder?
1. Impartial, fervent, unbiased, objective
2. Offend, entreat, beg, implore
Offend : bersalah, menyinggung
Enteat, beg, implore : memohon
3. Blossom, bloom, forbid, flower
Blossom, bloom, flower : berkembang, kembang, mekar
4. Fabricate, fashion, shape, dodge
Fabricate, fashion, shape : membentuk, membua
Dodge : menghindari
5. Meddle, invent, interfere, tamper
Meddle, interfere, tamper : turut campur, mencampuri
Invent : menemukan, menciptakan, membuat
6. Revise, denounce, correct, remedy
Revise, correct, remedy : memperbaiki
Denounce : melaporkan, mengakhiri
7. Coarse, gross, refined, crude
Coarse, gross,crude : kasar
Fefined : halus
8. Guarded, wary, watchful, open
Guarded, wary, watchful : berhati – hati
Open : terbuka, bebas
9. Exception, principle, rule, regulation
rule, principle, regulation : kaidah, prinsip, peraturan
Exception : pengecualian, protes
10. Routine, customary, irregular, uniform
Irregular : tidak beraturan
Routine, customary, uniform : kebiasaan , beratura
11. Speculate, theorize, guess, validate
Speculate, theorize, guess : dugaan
Validate : pengesahan
12. Hide, disclose, communicate, tell
Hide : menyembunyikan
disclose, communicate, tell : menyampaikan, menceritakan
13. Knowledge, learning, fiction, information
Knowledge, learning, information : pengetahuan, informasi
Fiction : fiksi, khayalan
14. Significant, meaningful, unimportant, serious
Unimportant ; tidak penting
Significant, meaningful, serious : penting, berarti
15. Complicated, elementary, basic, pure
Complicated : susah , sulit
elementary, basic, pure : dasar, alami

tugas sofskill

B. give at least one synonym for each italicized word. Consult dictionary or a thesaurus if you need help in finding a good word to substitute.
1. this thermometer takes exact measurements.
Exact : accurate, strict, precise
2. the company commemorates the anniversary of its founding every year.
Commemorates : celebrate, remember, honor, memorilize
3. every manager must defend his or her budget.
Defend : keep, protect, guard
4. a salesperson must always keep a positive attitude
Keep : reserve, have
5. Andrea offered a new slant on our sales problem.
Slant : solution
6. Speed is to be avoided on some jobs.
Speed : velocity
7. We must all work together to shape a new advertising campaign.
Shape : create, form
8. Ms. Yamada likes her computer assistans to test every program.
Test : assesment, examination
9. Is there really a choice?
Choice : option, option
10. The company’s decision to cut prices was brave.
Brave : audacious, bold, courageous

D. Change the following negative statements into positive statements.
1. Do not forget the sales meeting at the end of the month.
please attend the sales meeting at the end of the month
2. Don’t fail to ship this order by airfreight.
Ship this order sucesfully by airfreight
3. You forgot to provide a delivery date.
A delivery date is not provided
4. We cannot deliver your order because our plant is closed until july 15.
We are sorry, our plant is close until July 5
5. Do not lower the product’s quality
Let’s increase the product’s quality
6. Don’t anger customers by being late for an appointment.
Being on tome for an appointment would please cystomers
Late : on time
7. We cannot act on your request at this time.
We wiil act on your request soon
8. We will not forget your special request.
Your special request will be on our mind
9. We won’t know our prices until april 1.
We will wait for our prices until April 1
10. Never forget a customer’s preferences.
Customer’s preferences is our priority

A. In each of the following groups, three of the four words have similar meanings. Which word is the intruder?
1. Impartial, fervent, unbiased, objective
2. Offend, entreat, beg, implore
Offend : bersalah, menyinggung
Enteat, beg, implore : memohon
3. Blossom, bloom, forbid, flower
Blossom, bloom, flower : berkembang, kembang, mekar
4. Fabricate, fashion, shape, dodge
Fabricate, fashion, shape : membentuk, membua
Dodge : menghindari
5. Meddle, invent, interfere, tamper
Meddle, interfere, tamper : turut campur, mencampuri
Invent : menemukan, menciptakan, membuat
6. Revise, denounce, correct, remedy
Revise, correct, remedy : memperbaiki
Denounce : melaporkan, mengakhiri
7. Coarse, gross, refined, crude
Coarse, gross,crude : kasar
Fefined : halus
8. Guarded, wary, watchful, open
Guarded, wary, watchful : berhati – hati
Open : terbuka, bebas
9. Exception, principle, rule, regulation
rule, principle, regulation : kaidah, prinsip, peraturan
Exception : pengecualian, protes
10. Routine, customary, irregular, uniform
Irregular : tidak beraturan
Routine, customary, uniform : kebiasaan , beratura
11. Speculate, theorize, guess, validate
Speculate, theorize, guess : dugaan
Validate : pengesahan
12. Hide, disclose, communicate, tell
Hide : menyembunyikan
disclose, communicate, tell : menyampaikan, menceritakan
13. Knowledge, learning, fiction, information
Knowledge, learning, information : pengetahuan, informasi
Fiction : fiksi, khayalan
14. Significant, meaningful, unimportant, serious
Unimportant ; tidak penting
Significant, meaningful, serious : penting, berarti
15. Complicated, elementary, basic, pure
Complicated : susah , sulit
elementary, basic, pure : dasar, alami

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Sales Letters

Sales letters is one of letters which can be made much money for the seller. The language which is used should be attractive. This way to provide the customer . the persuasive language can help the distributor. Persuasion / persuasive it is not easy to explain, clearly, persuasion is about how we can make other people want to do what we ask for or otherwise want to do what we forbid!
Creativity (Attention) is the first step about how to write headlines. CAUTION Give enough in the headlines and be creative. Elements from the headlines:
1. Do not ever do the bidding in the headline.
2. Say something emotional, if necessary surprising.
3. Convey advantages / benefits of your product.
4. Rise of curiosity, make customer curious.
5. Create a headline like that you create specifically for them personally
The most important when you write sales letters. They are
1. Attention
This element will normally be in the title and subtitle. It is there, our first opportunity to attract visitors.
2. Interest
To attract customer. you need to make the opening paragraph. This paragraph is the content aimed to solve the problem of customer
3. Desire
Next, you can sleigh interest visitors to the intention to buy. You can make a list of benefits or the benefits of your product in this section. Include the benefits of the product you are promoting.
4. Action
When customer want to act to buy, you must provide them with ease. Do not get confused in which site customer to order your product is
5. Cover
In this concluding element you can give the lure of warranty and a bonus. Because, with a warranty and a bonus customer will be more convinced to buy your product.

The example of sales letters :

Dear Mr. Jim

Do you remember the unsophisticated device that make the business man and business woman difficult to complete their duty? Today, many devices or laptops are published with many specifications but cannot fulfill their daily duty in the office.

Don’t be afraid with the unsophisticated and unhandy devices. All of the problems can be solved by an experience device. You don’t have to let bringing the big and heavy device. Is it easy to bring device with its accessories? The unsatisfied feature of your laptop cannot solve your problem right? Enjoy your life by using the outstanding device!

The new device Apple iPad has arrived to our store. Apple Ipad as a new category of portable computer devices between laptop and smartphone. It is the most sophisticated portable computer, you don’t have to bring big bag to save your laptop. All of features provided in it. However, Apple also buried the new features recently found in this device. All of the unpredictable and amazing life you can found in it.

Apple offers iPad in six variants with a price range from 499 up to 829 U.S. dollars. It depends on the size of the memory available in 3 options, which is 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB, and two model choices each only with a WiFi connection or WiFi and 3G GSM. For while the new iPad available in the U.S.. However, within 2-3 months will be sent to the entire world. The size of Ipad length: 24.8 cm, width: 18.97 cm, thickness: 1.34 cm,w eight: 0.68 kg (WiFi model) and 0.73 kg (WiFi + 3G model). Screen : 9.7-inch LED backlit glossy widescreen multitouch with IPS technology, resolution 1024x768 pixels by 132 pixels per inch, coated with fingerprint resistant oleophobic, supports the writing of many languages and characters simultaneously. Processors is Apple A4 1 GHZ.
Sensor: accelerometer and ambient light sensor. And the others outstanding specification which you cannot meet in another device.

You can save your money only a little to get the new one. Come in today. You’ll see and try the newest of Apple. You will 10 years warranty for your product. The world can be touch only by one touch with Apple Ipad.


Dear Mr. Jim

Do you remember the unsophisticated device that make the business man and business woman difficult to complete their duty? Today, many devices or laptops are published with many specifications but cannot fulfill their daily duty in the office.

Don’t be afraid with the unsophisticated and unhandy devices. All of the problems can be solved by an experience device. You don’t have to let bringing the big and heavy device. Is it easy to bring device with its accessories? The unsatisfied feature of your laptop cannot solve your problem right? Enjoy your life by using the outstanding device!

The new device Apple iPad has arrived to our store. Apple Ipad as a new category of portable computer devices between laptop and smartphone. It is the most sophisticated portable computer, you don’t have to bring big bag to save your laptop. All of features provided in it. However, Apple also buried the new features recently found in this device. All of the unpredictable and amazing life you can found in it.

Apple offers iPad in six variants with a price range from 499 up to 829 U.S. dollars. It depends on the size of the memory available in 3 options, which is 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB, and two model choices each only with a WiFi connection or WiFi and 3G GSM. For while the new iPad available in the U.S.. However, within 2-3 months will be sent to the entire world. The size of Ipad length: 24.8 cm, width: 18.97 cm, thickness: 1.34 cm,w eight: 0.68 kg (WiFi model) and 0.73 kg (WiFi + 3G model). Screen : 9.7-inch LED backlit glossy widescreen multitouch with IPS technology, resolution 1024x768 pixels by 132 pixels per inch, coated with fingerprint resistant oleophobic, supports the writing of many languages and characters simultaneously. Processors is Apple A4 1 GHZ.
Sensor: accelerometer and ambient light sensor. And the others outstanding specification which you cannot meet in another device.

Are you satisfied with the comfort and handy portable computer? You can save your money only a little to get the new one. Come in today. You’ll see and try the newest of Apple. The world can be touch only by one touch with Apple Ipad.

Sincerely yours

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010


“Tiiin.....tiin....” bising sekali suara klakson mobil bersahut sahutan. Keringat semakin banyak membasahi wajah dan kemejaku. Bukan hanya karena panasnya udara di dalam metro mini yang penuh sesak dijejali penumpang tetapi juga karena aku sedang dilanda kecemasan tingkat tinggi. Hari ini aku mendapat panggilan kerja dan akan menjalani serangkaian tes seleksi calon pegawai. “Aku harus mendapatkan pekerjaan ini” aku mengingatkan diriku sendiri sembari menyeka mukaku yang dibanjiri peluh dengan sapu tangan ku. Jarang-jarang aku mendapat kesempatan mengikuti tes seleksi karyawan, sebagian besar aplikasi yang aku masukkan tidak pernah mendapat jawaban dari perusahaan. Karena itu aku harus benar-benar memanfaatkan peluang ini, terlebih lagi, perusahaan yang memanggilku ini adalah sebuah perusahaan besar yang tentu saja sangat baik untuk masa depanku dan keluargaku. Aku harus menempuh perjalanan jauh dari rumahku di timur Jakarta menuju kantor tersebut di bilangan Jakarta Selatan. Dalam waktu normal aku bisa menempuhnya dalam waktu 1,5 jam saja, tetapi apakah aku bisa sampai di sana tepat waktu jika aku sudah terjabak macet yang separah ini? Harusnya aku bisa menghindari kemacetan ini jika aku tadi berangkat lebih pagi dari rumah. Tidak mengapa jika aku harus tiba di sana lebih awal dan menunggu sendirian di sebuah tempat asing dari pada aku telat dan bisa menghancurkan semua harapan ini. Bukan hanya harapanku, tetapi juga harapan keluarga ku. Jengkel sekali aku pada diriku sendiri. Kumaki-maki diriku yang tidak bisa menghargai waktu dan selalu menganggap gampang. Kenapa juga tadi pagi setelah shalat Subuh aku tidur lagi. Walaupun cuma 15 menit tetapi akibat yang ditimbulkan sungguh-sungguh sangat mengkhawatirkan. Jam tanganku sudah menunjukkan pukul 08.15 menit, padahal tes dimulai pada pukul sembilan dan sampai saat ini belum separuh perjalanan ku lalui. Jantungku berdegup semakin kencang dibarengi dengan semakin membanjirnya peluhku setiap kali aku melihat jam tanganku. Andaikan aku tadi tidak tidur lagi setelah shalat Subuh dan langsung mandi. “Mungkin aku tidak akan mengalami hal seperti ini” gerutu ku dalam hati dengan muka yang bersungut-sungut. Sesaat kemudian aku tersenyum getir “bukannya kamu sudah biasa seperti ini? Bukankah memang kamu selalu menganggap gampang sesuatu dan tidak pernah bisa menghargai waktu? Sudah berapa kali kamu berada dalam situasi seperti ini?” Kurebahkan badanku ke sandaran kursi metro mini yang sempit dan keras ini. Iya, ini memang salah ku, kesalahan yang terus saja berulang. Setiap aku mengalami saat-saat seperti ini aku selalu marah-marah kepada diriku sendiri dan berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi. Tetapi pada kenyataannya tetap saja kejadian seperti ini berulang dan terus berulang. Aku merasa susah sekali membuang kebiasaan burukku ini walaupun aku sangat-sangat menyadari bahwa kebiasaan burukku itu banyak membawa kerugian terhadap diriku sendiri. Sampai kapan aku akan terus mengikuti dan melayani kebiasaan-kebiasaan burukku ini? Selama aku tidak bisa membuang kebiasaan-kebiasaan burukku, maka selamanya aku tidak akan bisa mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik. Karena kebiasaan-kebiasaan burukku akan terus dan terus menghambatku dari hari ke hari. Memang benar kata-kata bijak yang mengatakan bahwa “Musuh Terbesar bagi Kita adalah Diri Kita Sendiri”. Bagaimana aku akan mengalahkan pesaing-pesaingku dalam tes nanti jika aku tidak bisa mengalahkan kebiasaan burukku? Aku memang harus bisa berubah, meskipun terlihat sepele tetapi sesungguhnya sangat berat untuk melaksanakannya. Aku harus membulatkan tekad dan niat agar aku bisa benar-benar membuang kebiasaan burukku ini. Semoga kali ini niat dan tekadku tidak hanya menjadi niat dan tekad belaka seperti sebelum-sebelumnya...Semoga...