Senin, 15 Maret 2010



Corruption is an action which someone does to enrich their personal wealthy. That action will be worse if somebody has corruption characteristic. This action really harms public for taking person money with complex reason. People who does corruption has consequence, they are obligatory jailed and must not be released, we afraid if they are taking outside and they do bigger corruption. Government must be cleared to defeat corruption because many people who do corruption still exist and it is hard to take them into jail. In my opinion, the government must do death sentence for the corruptor so they can be learned and hopefully they cannot do corruption again.
In my opinion, many upholder of law must be opened and transparent so we can know people who do corruption in law department and we can jail them directly. The law upholder must be explicit with their members and jail them if they do corruption. Then the government must create new laws which have same vision, mission and perception laws to give punishment for the corruptor and ask president to make it valid as new laws in our country and create a special division which is investigated the corruption act in our country. It can be useful if governments are fully accepted. Our country will be moving one step behind in law especially fight against corruption. So, as the continuous generation, I suggest you to don’t do corruption though only by the small thing. You can do it by the true way and Insya Allah, Allah will bless you and gives you a great prosperity in your life.

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